Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tis the Season.....

Tis the season where giving is better than recieving. So I am going to give all of you a recipe to give to others.
Chai Latte...the yummest thing in the world!

Chai Latte Recipe

1 cup powdered milk
1 cup non fat dairy free powdered creamer
1 cup French Vanilla powdered creamer
2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 cup instant NON-sweet tea
2 t cinnamon
2 t ground cloves
2 t ground ginger

mix well in a large bowl and then working in 1/2 batches porcess with food processer until a fine powder.
Place in mason jars and give with a tag that reads : Place 2 heaping Tablespoons of mixture with 8 oz hot water & ENJOY!

Very easy & extra yummy. Perfect for co-workers, friends, teachers, & for yourself....
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Next recipe!

So my poor little girl is feeling sick.....my best friend is feeling sick.....my husband is starting to feel sick.....I am feeling sick. Needless to say everyone around this town is SICK.... what a good time for some warm homemade applesauce!!! Yum-O!

Homemade Applesauce

Makes several cups

About 20 apples
1/4 c. water

1 Tbsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 c Sugar -to taste!

Peel, core, and slice apples, tossing them into a stock pot or Dutch oven as you go. When all the apples are sliced, add water and cinnamon to pan and cover. Bring to a simmer, turn heat to low, and stir occasionally, recovering, until apples break down into a thick sauce, about 20 minutes. Taste applesauce and add sugar if needed ( it does depend on 1) how sweet you like your applesauce, and 2) how sweet the apples are that you're using). When the apples are dissolved, continue simmering over low heat, half-covered, sitrring occasionally, until sauce is quite thick, about 20-30 minutes. Serve warm or cool. Store remaining applesauce in the refrigerator for up to one week.

So share the love with the ones you love and make someone a little bit of sweetness!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A new day!

So it has been .... 6 months since I have been on the blog and wrote anything. Thought I better stop on by and drop a word or two :)
I have been thinking a lot about blogs and blogging lately and I have come to decided that even though I no longer do the tutu thing or hair thing (other than for friends and family that request some) I might start blogging about crafts and recipes! I had come across a blog about what a girl wears every day
(what I wore- the name of the blog). She takes simple ideas and mix-matches everyday items to spice up her wardrobe. I thought heck I can do a what I made blog sharing recipes and ideas from crafts on the blog! So we are going to give that a whirl and see if that does better than the tutu thing.

A friend and I always talked about making our own cookbook... maybe someday we can. It would be called.... A little T and A (her name is Tina & mine Amber) get it.....??? lol. Any who! So my recipe for you today is going to be the recipe that once you make it and take it somewhere EVERYONE will ask for your recipe so don't be greedy share the love!!!

Grape Salad
8 cups grapes (destemed & washed & VERY dry)
8 oz softened cream cheese
8 oz room temp sour cream
1/2 c white sugar

mix all but grapes together until no lumps..... fold grapes into the cream mixture
top with
3/4 c chopped pecans
3/4 c brown sugar
Let it set overnight or at least 4 hours.

This is the most lovely thing you will ever place in your mouth!!!!
Give it a try today and let me know what you think below!!!
~ A

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Busy as a bee...... {buzzzzzz }

Hello all,
The give away was not a huge success.... not sure what happened. We had one person enter. All of us involved blogged/posted/facebooked/twittered about it so it's still a mystery.
Anyways, I have been so crazy busy with ... LIFE. (Most of you know all to well what I am talking about) Cadence is rounding out the year for dance, she just started gymnastics (more in a second), Scott is finishing up his bachelors degree and should be done in the fall, I am just starting to go back for my RN, trying to do 2 jobs and keep up on the housework,homework and everything else is making me scattered brained sometimes.
This past week was a LONG week.... Monday I had a root canal YAY!!, then around 4pm my older cat Petie came in while Cadence & I were doing homework and his inter eyelid was swollen completely over his eye... rushed him to the vet (45 min away) poor guy - he's not loving mommy right now when the eye drops have to be administered. Tuesday after work some friends and I went to the Vera Bradley sale- I did good only got a wallet and a change purse :), Wed work then dance, Thursday work then we started gymnastics- Cadence has never done gymnastics before and was able to, with help from the instructor, do a back walk over on the balance beam and a handstand on the 'horse'. Then after class the teacher asked me if I would like to move her to the advanced gymnastics class since she is 'springy' and a little daredevil. Friday we had dance pictures then we started to watch Back to the Future 3 to finish out the series.... and the disc is all scratched and we get half way threw it... then I get a massive migraine and then throw up for the next hour. Wonderful. I have not had one of those in a long time!!!! Oh I forgot to mention... that in my 2 classes I had 2 papers to do ... one had to be 3 pages and the other 1700 words (about 4-5 pages) with intense research with both of them!!!! I miss kindergarten.

That was my week.... how was yours?
I did get to make my friend that had a little boy yesterday a robot blanket... my very first time ever sewing something like a blanket. Its sooo cute. I have orders for 4 tutus so that is good. I am really thinking about just doing private orders and shutting down my Etsy shop. I have not had an order since January and it takes time and money to up-keep a site that is not doing anything. We'll see.

Hope the next week brings a slow week and sunny weather..... Happy Easter Everyone!!!


Saturday, March 19, 2011


With the help of two friends/fellow Etsy Shop Owners we have decided to do a give away. There are different ways to enter you will have to log on to http://offthewallexpressions.blogspot.com/ for complete details in the next day or two! {while you're there take a look at some of their new wall decals for Spring!}
I am giving away a daisy hair clip & my friend Angi from Rusty Lemon (you can find her on etsy) is giving away the pink knit hat. The clip goes on the hat but both can be used without each other.
Very cute & very girlie!!!! Good Luck!!! ;)
Tootles,  ~A
The Hat... and ....

The Daisy Sparkle Clip!!!! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New fav site!

So I have a new FAVORITE website.... I cannot seem to get enough of it. And I do love a lot of different sites! Some of my fav's are:
http://www.possessionista.com/ - ran by Dana.. she knows everything that has to do with fashion and she finds great prices on items and exact items that you might want. LOVE IT!
http://www.mysweetandsaucy.com/ - a fabulous site by a baker extraordinaire! Wonderful pictures & recipes for all things yummy!
The newest favorite is ... wait for it.. drumroll.....
http://www.makeit-loveit.com/- wonderful handmade , how-to store/blog... You have to check these sites out! They rock!!! ;)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February insights.......

                      Hello all..... I recently had a table at the Vend-HER Happy at the South Whitley Public Library... had a few sales of hair bows and a order for a TuTu. Yay me! I think that I am going to take my friend Tina's advice and only post on Esty TuTu's that I have made. Unless of course someone that I know would like a custom one then I will do that. I also think that I will start looking at new ways to do hair bows, clips, headbands and focus on them for a little bit... or at least while I have 2 jobs and school.
 Last night my little (but getting way too big way too fast) girl went to her very first Father / Daughter dance.... They looked so adorable together.
Speaking of kids....... since when did cutting other kids down and bullying start in Kindergarten? Cadence keeps on coming home and telling me that another little girl in her class tells her that her hair isn't blond enough and  (this other girl) tells her she is prettier and has prettier dresses than Cadence.
 Cadence came home crying the other day saying that this 'friend' told her dress was going to be prettier than Cadences at the dance... What in the World! I asked Cadence how she responded and she said that she told the other girl that "I think your dress will be very pretty and so will mine." She also told me that she has told the little girl.."Jesus made everyone pretty in their own way." I am so very proud of my little girl... but still in shock that this stuff starts this early!!! I just pray that Cadence never is 'that' child who talks to mean and rude to others.
ANYWAYS...... I'm off my soap box. :)

Hope everyone has a very HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!